You And Me

Once I was struck by this lightning thought which has taken the form of this poem. We know someone so well, yet we are unaware of many hidden facets of their's. It's not until time and circumstances reveal it to us, we are are conforonted with them and it chances the role of the person in our life's.

It was unusual how we met
you were surprised, I could bet
your eyes were wide and tensed
and your mind was eclipsed
I was crazy according to you
with no sense of direction
and no plans that required action
with time n' the closer we grew
we shared a few pleasant moment's
to you, I was now more appealant
it was just a hi and only few words
that we exchanged being in the herd
there were a few issues we both agreed
you could see signs of a sane person in me
with seasons the relation elevated
we were now friends who couldn't be parted
sharing all little things was delightful
and the fights seemed so rightful
I turned into the charming girl of your life
to whom you could confront everything being free
a shoulder to whom you turned to in grief
your secrets were safe with me was your belief
once you confessed, life without me was totally hollow
I was now the light of your life, in your love I did glow
after years of togetherness we have reached here
where no one knows us better than each other
through this journey you have seen my many facet's
and no doubt you're my perfect couplet, yet with 
each growing minute you shall see, a new me.

                                                                  ~ chetana.N


-ve character +ve attitude said...

D painting is touchy,its a professionals work.water on canvas or oil?
i think its water as its let to drip,u can see dat in the woman's clothing at d bottom of the art work.
gr8 smug paintaing.who didit?

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