Eternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind

This is inspired by the movie  by the same name eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. The genre is Romantic/Comedy, though i'm doubtful about the comedy part (seriously!!).

The branches swing to the wind
the flowers sing with the bees
in their divine self they find
an admirer with such ease.

The mountains and the heaven above
the sunlight clasping the earth
They are distinct yet in love
such sweet emotions forming a girth.

Time plays it's wicked games
slowly the love is it's slave
once beautiful is now in flames
sending all memories to the grave.

Erasing a smile wrecks the heart
reminding you of the very beginning
but the decision is made and you need to part
as the differences are winning.

It's a new day, a new start 
you know not what's in your past
determined to find a thriving heart
you meet her again at last.

All that's gone is the thought
which could be considered only a part
as it's essence is present 
sealed in the tenderness of the heart

holding your hands, turn the page
leading us to where we are meant to be
in true love we both engage
like the moonbeams kissing the sea.

                                                     ~ Chetana.N


Shekhar said...

Loved the movie.. Can I say loved ur work equally.. :)

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