
Today's newspaper had one of the most desperately seeking surprises for me, a British Psychiatrist had discovered the formula for HAPPINESS. My thoughts were getting wild as i began reading the article, it was after the initial 2 paragraphs i was told that yesterday i.e., 18th June - according to the calculations turns out to be the highest rated due to peaking happiness factors such as warm summer outdoors, seeing friends more frequently and excitement about holidays. I was very happy to read it but hold on let's just rewind to yesterday and cross check if it was true in my life?? warm summer outdoors ( a big x mark )... it was cloudy n drizzling few times in the day, i didn't meet any of my friends and nor am i excited about a holiday. O+(N x S)+Cpm/T+He (the deduced formula for happiness) had no reference in my life (at least not on 18th July).

My thought process didn't just stop there (as usual), what is it that makes me HAPPY then? I seek answer to this question since a long long time but today was the day where i had a slot dedicated to think about it... HAPPINESS - the feeling where you have a light heart and your brain activity is less, all that your eyes see is beauty and you feel your dancing to your favorite song (though most of it just your imagination as your lost in the happiness). Happy is the word, i have always been chasing but how far have i succeeded in grabbing it? I've turned a year older year after year and year after year my happiness has been linked with different objects. When i was a kid a slice of raw mango, playing on the road with other kids until its late night, a pretty pink frock, a chocolate, sitting on my dad's lap, hiding my mischief from mom ( which i miserably fail till date.) would bring immense joy. As a teenager my bicycle, swim in the pool, riding my dad's bike, partying with friends, going out for ice-creams, winning house events in the school, inter-school competitions, feeling the breeze at the desolated airport would rise my heart beat. Now that I've crossed those years and i'm considered an adult now, i'm more confused than ever. It's toughest to identify what makes me happy now?

As i think deeper, i realize that the quenched feeling i had as i started writing this post, didn't exist now. The happy memory had turned me happy yet again. I was not playing hide-n-seek or riding or partying but the memories that live inside me had played their trick, I was happy again !! (just like a iron filling acquires magnetic property in close encounter with a magnet, i had struck happiness chord just remembering the happy moments.) I'm yet to figure out what gives me immense pleasure and keeps me happy today but the happy news is i can find the trigger to my happiness being HAPPY in the fond memories of yesterday. before i sign of from this post, i would like to share a few lines i read long ago. When you lead your life being happy, it becomes memorable. (no reference to who wrote it, sorry !!)


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